American walnut, a lovely strong wood greatly appreciated here and in Europe.
2" to 2-1/4" diameter. |
European beech (faggio), a close-grained and dense wood, the traditional wood of choice in Italy for making pasta tools.
2" to 2-1/4" diameter. |
American white oak, we admire it for its strength and durability, and wavy granular flow.
2" to 2-1/4" diameter. |
Hard maple, another great American wood frequently mistaken for cherry, but because of its light hue, it can frequently be surprisingly beautiful.
2" to 2-1/4" diameter. |
Osage orange, a beautiful wood. Its glory lies in its subtlety, it is one of those woods, upon second glance, you say "Wow!" It hails from the Americas as well as other parts of the world.
2" to 2-1/4" diameter. 
These represent some of the woods we stock in our shop, each Corzetti stamp is specifically turned for each client, while each stamp will conform to the group there will minor variations, no stamp is mechanically copied. The carving reliefs are all hand crafted. We have attempted to craft these in the finest European and American traditions. All of our woods are sealed with food safe finishes. |